
Reablement focuses on a person’s strengths to promote and maximise independence and wellbeing. This rebuilds confidence after a spell of illness, deterioration in health, an injury, a hospital admission or an acquired disability.

Reablement differs to traditional home care as it involves care providers standing back and encouraging the promotion of self-care skills that may have been lost. With a focus on restoring independent functioning, rather than resolving healthcare issues, by supporting people to regain or retain skills to enable them to manage with minimal or no support.

Reablement can be for the short-term and intensive, typically provided for up to six weeks, or as an ongoing service for as long as is needed. Reablement services are usually provided in a person’s own home, but may be provided in an intermediate care facility. Services aims to prevent re-admission to hospital or premature move to a care home, by setting and working toward meaningful goals and reconnecting people with their communities to reduce social isolation. This can also help to reduce the amount of care the person needs from carers and family.